About Me
What’s Up With The Name?
I’m a huge fan of having your business name mean something to you. In order for Hyperic to make sense, let me give you a bit of a backstory. Both my wife and I love space and science, and I personally enjoy Greek mythology. Our daughter is named “Luna” who is the moon goddess. So when thinking of a name, I looked up who her father was. When I found out that he was the God of Light, it felt like a sign as photography is nothing but capturing light. This god was named “Hyperion”, which I then altered to Hyperic.
I fell in love with photography in 2008 when a computer teacher entrusted me with a school owned Canon DSLR to take pictures at a high school football game. Ever since that night, capturing photos has been a big part of my life in some form or fashion. In college, my photography followed closely to my hobbies. Which at the time, was longboarding and tournament paintball (yup. that’s a thing). When I wasn’t riding or playing, I was shooting photos. Very quickly my talent was picked up by an established paintball media company which hired me on as their head photographer. This had me traveling the country and even led to my first publication. As it always does, life changed and I had to step away from the company while I pursued other professional endeavors. After spending the last 8 years as a YouTuber, I was ready to come home to where I’d always been happiest, BEHIND the lens.